Starting soon

Third generation dentist Abby Lindzon will soon be working at our office. Following in the steps of her grandfather and founder of AgincourtDental, Dr. Jack Lindzon, and her father Dr. Richard Lindzon, Abby recently graduated with honours from the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry  and was on the prestigious Deans list.

Abby will be starting to work in June and will also be working starting in July at the Hospital for Sick Children in downtown Toronto.

Meeting the Minister Of Health for CDCP rollout

With the rollout of the Canadian Dental Care Program this May and the overwhelming patient response, the Minister of Health for Canada, Mark Holland, and local MP  Jean Yip visited our office to speak to Dr. Lindzon, the office staff and to meet some of the patients that have benefitted from this new program.

The CDCP is off to a great start and will benefit many more patients who otherwise could not afford dental care.

Agincourtdental has provided care to patients under this plan since its inception at the beginning of May 2024 and will continue to do so as the program expands.

Canadian Dental Care Plan

Recently updated information by the Gov't of Canada regarding the federally funded dental program was provided December 2023. Coverage for 2024 has been extended to seniors. In 2025 all Canadians will be eligible. Click these links for more information.

Canadian Dental Care Plan

Holiday Office Dinner party

Everyone at our office is pleased to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy Holiday season. This photo is from our annual holiday dinner at Scaddabush. From left clockwise are Zahra, Yaritza, Mala, Regina, me and Dr. Gordon Poon.  Lots of fun.

Halloween @ Agincourtdental

Our office was very happy when the kids from nearby Tam O Shanter school came by for a visit and trick or treat. Many thanks to the teachers who arranged this and  a special thanks to Zahra who organized this and Abigail who did an amazing job with the personalized treat bags for the kids.

A beautiful Autumn 2022 in Toronto

Not that it's over yet. Please enjoy some of the photos Dr. Lindzon took around Toronto of the fall colours.

Amazing Dental Fillings

First there was the silver amalgam fillings, the so called mercury fillings. In truth these were great, long lasting restorations but no one wants them anymore.
Then came the "tooth coloured" fillings. These were plastic fillings that required a special bonding agent to attach the filling to the tooth. These fillings looked great, but were very time and technique sensitive. We still use these fillings routinely especially in aesthetic situations.
But now there is a new filling available that we at AgincourtDental have made wide use of.
These are hybrid glass ionomer fillings. The are tooth coloured, self adhesive to the tooth, and release fluoride, which dramatically reduces future cavity risk, even in adjacent teeth. These fillings are much less technique sensitive which means they can be used in situations that the plastic fillings  would have great trouble with, They can be placed much quicker than the plastic or even amalgam fillings, which means less time in the dental chair.
This new option is dramatically changing dentistry today and the dental visit.